Name: Kerry Lee
Code/Team: Ladies Football
Occupation: Environmental Scientist
Field position: Half Forward
How long have you played with the Gaels? 5 years
When did you start playing football? I started playing football with the Gaels in 2015 after moving to DC for work.
What’s your favorite thing about gaelic games? I’d have to say just being a part of the team. Growing up I only participated in individual sports (running & competitive Irish dancing) and playing a team sport opened up a whole new world for me. The camaraderie on and off the field keeps me coming back.
Best trainer on the squad: Becca aka “Mom”
Most skillful player: Christina Petrocelli is an absolute powerhouse.
Biggest joker: Summar
Odd item in your GAA kit bag: I spilled a bottle of glitter in there once and now it will be there
Ambition for the 2020 season: Hopefully get to play a few games and keep up a base level of
fitness in the meantime
If you could choose one player to join your squad, who would it be? Just one?! I would probably bring back some of the girls that I’ve played with through the years that have since moved away. Miss them!
Sporting idol: Shalane Flanagan- Olympic medalist and first American woman to win the New York City Marathon since 1977.
Best sporting advice you’ve received: Leave everything on the field
Why should someone join the Gaels: the craic.